Edward Kirkland: What sports do for athletes and humans in general is incredible. It’s has been nothing less than amazing to me, football is all I really know, it means the world to me. Football took me to places I thought I’ll never be and in May I am going to be a college grad! So with that being said I wouldn’t trade it!
Joe Gaiter: What is your motivation for playing the game?
Edward Kirkland: My motivation comes from enjoying the feeling of success. It also comes from having to prove myself over and over again. Last but not least, to be able to possibly make a living off of something you love the most is the world. You don’t need much more motivation than that.
Joe Gaiter: Tell us about your season this year?
Edward Kirkland: My season went great! I ended up making all conference for the second year in a row, and that was one of my goals. I didn’t accomplish everything I wanted to, but that’s the beauty about the offseason, it gives you time to sit back, re-evaluate and come back better than you were.
Joe Gaiter: What makes you ready for the NFL?
Edward Kirkland: The NFL has an outstanding pool of talent, the best in the world. With that being said, I don’t think anyone is ever really ready for what the NFL has to offer. The talent, the extended season etc. I believe you just go in best groomed as possible and ready to take on the challenges that will be provided. So I’m preparing myself to go in as the best athlete I can be.
Joe Gaiter: Who would you compare your football skills to that currently plays in the NFL?
Edward Kirkland: That’s a good question. I would have to go with DJ Swearinger. I love him game and mindset game in and out. I see a lot of comparison between us. He’s definitely got me beat on big hits though. DJ is a MONSTER! haha
Joe Gaiter: Who is your agent and why did you chose them?
Edward Kirkland: I still haven’t chosen an agent but I’m in good talks with people I feel best fits me and the direction I’m headed in.
Joe Gaiter: Do you have any regrets over your college career?
Edward Kirkland: Yes, I took time for granted. Didn’t always push myself to what I was capable of. You live and you learn and at this point I’m the best I’ve ever been. I regret but I wouldn’t change it.
Joe Gaiter: Describe yourself in 3 words.
Edward Kirkland: Playmaker, aggressive, and versatile.
Joe Gaiter: Tell us about the bond you have with your teammates?
Edward Kirkland: I have a great bond with my teammates on and off the field. Especially the DBs and my right hand man Robert Cummings who plays FS for us!! but that my position group so that’s bias. Definitely a love/hate relationship with the receivers! Joking, it’s just competition.
Joe Gaiter: What are some things you learned from the coaches at Benedict?
Edward Kirkland: I learned everything I know. Best schemes and coaching I have ever been around. I apply the knowledge I got from them in everything I do. Also gained a mentor in Demetrie McCray who is my DB coach.
Joe Gaiter: If you could go back to your freshman year, what would you do differently?
Edward Kirkland: Apply myself!!!! I was a freshman and wasn’t concerned about being the best I can be and focusing on the bigger picture. A lot of days I wanted practice to be over with and the season to be done. I can say I changed big time!
Joe Gaiter: What separates you from other athletes that play your same position?
Edward Kirkland: I have a great understanding of what the opponent is trying to accomplish. That with my play-making ability puts me in positions to make big time plays. I also have nice size and strength!
Joe Gaiter: What has your biggest accomplishment?
Edward Kirkland: Personally my biggest accomplishment was simply playing college football. That was my life long goal and I accomplished it. I can name a ton of accolades but it was playing 4 years of college football that I am happy about!
Joe Gaiter: Do you have a backup plan if you don’t make it to the NFL?
Edward Kirkland: When asked this questioned I always answer it as “IT WILL WORK”! That’s just my mindset. I know it’s not guaranteed but I like to keep repeating that to myself. I have a few back up plans and I will be leaving college with a degree so that’s a blessing.
Joe Gaiter: When is your proday?
Edward Kirkland: No date has been officially set yet, but it will be at Benedict College!
Joe Gaiter: Where and how often are you training?
Edward Kirkland: I’ve been training at A.C. Flora with Micah Kurtz and about 5 days a week. Kurtz is an amazing guy to be around and doesn’t want to see nothing but success from me!
Joe Gaiter: What do you want your legacy to be?
Edward Kirkland: I just want to be remembered for all the right reasons. It will be great to be remembered as much more but as long as it positivity I’ll accept that.
Joe Gaiter: Final Words.
Edward Kirkland: First and foremost thank you for your time and this wonderful opportunity. Secondly I want to give a shoutout to my biggest fan by far, which is my little brother. Mom, Dad, family, my wonderful girlfriend, Coach Kurtz and the list goes on!
Joe Gaiter: How can we find you on social media?
Snapchat – @higherthoughts
Instagram – @District_Nueve
Facebook – Kendall Kirkland
Twitter – Pick6Kirkland_
NFL Draft Preview: Benedict’s Edward Kirkland interview with Joe Gaiter was last modified: January 30th, 2018 by Joseph Gaiter