Deniko Carter: Football is everything to me. I love this game with a passion and I don’t know where I would be without this game. It changed my life. The next ten years of my life I plan on being in the NFL. This has always been my dream since a child.
Joe Gaiter: What is your motivation for playing the game?
Deniko Carter: My family. My friends who don’t have the opportunity to ball no more. I just want to be in the position to change some lives forever. Baltimore is a crazy city to grow up in and I have three brothers I want to get out of there. All three of them are my best friends and I do it for them mainly.
Joe Gaiter: Tell us about your season this year?
Deniko Carter: This past season at West Georgia was all about overcoming adversity. Things weren’t going my way but I still fought to overcome the obstacles. I took advantage of every opportunity that was thrown my way. God was testing me, he wanted to see how bad I wanted it.
Joe Gaiter: What makes you ready for the NFL?
Deniko Carter: First off I’m very coachable. I’m young and I’m hungry. I’m willing to learn and improve my game however I can. I’m also a big physical receiver with a lot of speed.
Joe Gaiter: Who would you compare your football skill to that currently plays in the NFL?
Deniko Carter: I would have to say Antonio Brown and Micheal Thomas.
Joe Gaiter: Who is your agent and why did you chose them?
Deniko Carter: JR Rickert with JR Sports Enterprise. After doing some research with my father I felt as though this agency was the best fit for me. Also the love and support is there, Preston James who is also down with the firm is always supporting me as well.
Joe Gaiter: Do you have any regrets over your college career?
Deniko Carter: No regrets at all but I do wish I got the chance to play for Utah Utes. I signed with them coming out of junior college.
Joe Gaiter: Describe yourself in 3 words.
Deniko Carter: Trustworthy, Consistent, and Respectful.
Joe Gaiter: If you could go back to your freshman year, what would you do differently?
Focused more on my academics.
Joe Gaiter: What separates you from other athletes that play your same position?
Deniko Carter: Well, I’m 6’4 and I can play my size. To be this big I also have agility to move the way I do. Also the way I attack the ball in the air. And I can be a great impact anywhere on special teams. Joe Gaiter: What has your biggest accomplishment?
Deniko Carter: Continuing to grind after my season was over at West Georgia and being invited to National Bowl and Tropical Bowl to showcase my talents.
Joe Gaiter: Do you have a backup plan if you don’t make it to the NFL?
Deniko Carter: No back up plan, this is what I want so I’ll grind until I get there. I only have a Plan A because I feel as though if I make a Plan B I’ll be selling my Plan A short. I will make the NFL.
Joe Gaiter: When is your proday?
Deniko Carter: It will be in March at my University. I am still waiting on the exact day.
Joe Gaiter: Where and how often are you training?
Deniko Carter: U48Fitness in Gwinnett County, GA. I train Monday–Friday.
Joe Gaiter: Final Words and Shoutouts?
Deniko Carter: Shout to my Father, my agency, and everyone who ever supported me and believed in me.
Twitter: Neekdaking
Instagram: Bigcarter
Facebook: Niko FreeBain Carter
University of West Georgia’s Deniko Carter NFL Draft Interview with Joe Gaiter was last modified: January 17th, 2018 by Joseph Gaiter